Оборудование Siemens (Сименс), страница 178

8wa752 spacer 9mm
8wa753 spacer 22mm
8wa7551 standard mounting rail copper 35mm, 2m length en 50 022-35x15
8wa7553 terminal adapter, 12mm
8wa7554 rail adapter, 12mm
8wa807 marking tag for 8wa1207,8wa1208 8wa10101pq00
8wa8522-7vf02 verbindungskamm 2polig, gelb, 2,5qmm packung = 60 stueck
8wa8522-7vf03 verbindungskamm 3polig, gelb, 2,5qmm packung = 60 stueck
8wa8522-7vf04 verbindungskamm 4polig, gelb, 2,5qmm packung = 60 stueck
8wa8522-7vf10 verbindungskamm 10polig, gelb, 2,5qmm packung = 20 stueck
8wa8522-7vg02 verbindungskamm 2polig, gelb, 4qmm packung = 60 stueck
8wa8522-7vg03 verbindungskamm 3polig, gelb, 4qmm packung = 60 stueck
8wa8522-7vg04 verbindungskamm 4polig, gelb, 4qmm packung = 60 stueck
8wa8522-7vg10 verbindungskamm 10polig, gelb, 4qmm packung = 20 stueck
8wa8522-7wf01 abschlussplatte grau, 2,5qmm
8wa8522-7wf03 abschlussplatte blau, 2,5qmm
8wa8522-7wf06 abdeckung mit blitzpfeil gelb, 2,5qmm packung = 20 stueck
8wa8522-7wf07 testadapter schwarz, 2,5qmm packung = 25 stueck
8wa8522-7wg01 abschlussplatte grau, 4qm
8wa8522-7wg03 abschlussplatte blau, 4qmm
8wa8522-7wg06 abdeckung mit blitzpfeil gelb, 4qmm packung = 20 stueck
8wa8522-7wg07 testadapter schwarz, 4qmm packung = 25 stueck
8wa8800-2ay package of 100 blank labels loose legend plate label size 5x10mm
8wa8818-0aa package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 1
8wa8818-0ab package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 2
8wa8818-0ac package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 3
8wa8818-0ad package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 4
8wa8818-0ae package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 5
8wa8818-0af package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 6
8wa8818-0ag package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 7
8wa8818-0ah package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 8
8wa8818-0aj package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 9
8wa8818-0ej package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 0
8wa8818-0ga package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription 1 up to 0
8wa8818-1aa package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription r
8wa8818-1ab package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription s
8wa8818-1ac package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription t
8wa8818-1ad package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription u
8wa8818-1ae package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription v
8wa8818-1af package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription w
8wa8818-1ag package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription x
8wa8818-1ah package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription y
8wa8818-1aj package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription z
8wa8818-1ak package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription a
8wa8818-1al package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription f
8wa8818-1am package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription h
8wa8818-1an package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription k
8wa8818-1ap package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription m
8wa8818-1aq package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription q
8wa8818-1ar package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription n
8wa8818-1as package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription b
8wa8818-1at package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription c
8wa8818-1au package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription d
8wa8818-1av package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription e
8wa8818-1aw package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription g
8wa8818-1ax package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription l
8wa8818-1ay package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription p
8wa8818-2at package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription +
8wa8818-2au package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription -
8wa8818-2av package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription .
8wa8818-2aw package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription :
8wa8818-2ax package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription =
8wa8818-2ay package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, unlabelled
8wa8818-2bb package of 50 label strips = 500 labels for label holders, with inscription i
8wa8826-0aa package of 100 labels terminal strip identification label printed x1
8wa8826-0ab package of 100 labels terminal strip identification label printed x2
8wa8826-0ac package of 100 labels terminal strip identification label printed x3
8wa8826-0x. пакет со 100 маркировочными табличками идентификационная метка устройства напечатанная
8wa8841-0fb schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fc schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1,2,3,4 (5x) fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fd schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 5,6 (10x) fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fe schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 34,33,32,31 (5x) fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fg schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1u5..1u5(10x)1u6..1u6(10x) fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fh schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1v3(6x)1xleer,1v3(6x)1xleer,1v3 (6x)fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fj schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1v4(6x)1xleer, 1v4(6x)1xleer, 1 v4(6x) fa. emaillia
8wa8841-0fk schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1w1(6x)1xleer, 1w1(6x)1xleer, 1 w1(6x) fa.emaillia
8wa8841-0fl schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1w4(6x)1xleer, 1w4(6x)1xleer, 1 w4(6x) fa.emaillia
8wa8841-0fm schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung 1w5(6x)1xleer, 1w6(6x)1xleer, 1 w5(6x) fa.emaillia
8wa8841-1ac pkg mit 200 schildern auf klebstreifen mit je 5 streifen zu je 20 schildern schildgroesse 5x7mm,schrift 2mm querbeschriftung beschriftung 101..200
8wa8841-1af pkg mit 200 schildern auf klebstreifen mit je 5 streifen zu je 20 schildern schildgroesse 5x7mm,schrift 2mm querbeschriftung beschriftung 101..200
8wa8841-1ar pkg mit 200 schildern auf klebstreifen mit je 5 streifen zu je 20 schildern schildgroesse 5x7mm,schrift 2mm querbeschriftung beschriftung n
8wa8841-2aa schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung (erdungszeichen) fa. emaillia
8wa8841-2ah schilder fuer reihenklemm.5x7mm 10streifen je 20schilder/ querschriftung q-beschr.: pe fa. emaillia
8wa8841-2ay pkg mit 100 schildern lose ohne beschriftung
8wa8846-2ay package of 1000 blank labels loose cable identification label inscription area 9x30mm
8wa8847-0aa packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 1 (100x) 1 (100x)
8wa8847-0ab packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 2 (100x) 2 (100x)
8wa8847-0ac packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 3 (100x) 3 (100x)
8wa8847-0ad packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 4 (100x) 4 (100x)
8wa8847-0ae packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 5 (100x) 5 (100x)
8wa8847-0af packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 6 (100x) 6 (100x)
8wa8847-0ag packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 7 (100x) 7 (100x)
8wa8847-0ah packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 8 (100x) 8 (100x)
8wa8847-0aj packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 9 (100x) 9 (100x)
8wa8847-0ak packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 10 (100x) 10 (100x)
8wa8847-0al pkg mit 100 schildern 1 karte mit 5 streifen zu je 20 schildern schildgr. 5x7mm, schrift 2mm laengenbeschriftung 11 (100x)
8wa8847-0am packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 12 (100x) 12 (100x)
8wa8847-0an packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 13 (100x) 13 (100x)
8wa8847-0ap packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 14 (100x) 14 (100x)
8wa8847-0aq packing containing 100 plates 1 card containing 5 strips with 20 plates each plate size 5x7mm inscription 2mm vertical inscription 15 (100x) 15 (100x)

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