Оборудование Siemens (Сименс), страница 497

6ar1305-0ab17-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys403 bus backplane w. 19 slots for self-configuration
6ar1305-0ab18-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys403 bus backplane with 18 slots for autoconfiguration
6ar1305-0ab21-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys403 bus backplane with 21 slots for autoconfiguration
6ar1305-0ba00-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sft510 switching module
6ar1306-0af00-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sv520 battery power supply output voltage: 3.3 v dc input voltage: 5 v dc
6ar1306-0af01-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sv330 power supply module dc/dc 3.3 v
6ar1306-0dc00-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sv430 power supply module input: 120 v/230 v ac output: +15v/1.5a -15v/1.5a
6ar1306-0ha00-0aa1 smp16-sv531 power supply module input: 120 v/230 v ac output: +5.1v/15a +12v/2.5a -12v/0.5a approbation: ce; ul/csa
6ar1306-0ha05-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sv526 power supply module 3he/12te input: 120/230 vac output:+5v/10a;+12v/1a;-12v/1a
6ar1306-0he00-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sv350 dc/dc transformer 3he/8te input: 18 - 40 v ac output: +5v/10a; +12v/1a
6ar1306-0lc00-0aa0 sicomp cpci sv532 power supply module input: 99 to 138 v ac and 187 to 264 v ac output: +5.1v/20a, +3.3v/14a +12v/2a, -12v/1a
6ar1306-0le00-0aa0 sicomp cpci sv532 power supply module input: 8.5 to 36 v dc output: +5.1v/14a, +3.3v/14a +12v/2a, -12v/1a
6ar1311-0cc31-0aa0 sicomp ams-m351 at mass storage module hard drive (2.5") formatted on 504 mb, disk drive (3.5") 1.44 mb
6ar1323-0jb00-0aa0 sicomp pmc-com391 pmc combimodule with vga/lvds and lan connection
6ar1324-0ba00-0aa0 sicomp pmc-ctr357 pmc-vga module with 1 mbyte image memory
6ar1331-0ca30-0aa0 sicomp ipci-mem361 plug-in mass storage module with >=6.0 gb (2,5") hard disk with 1.44 mbyte(2.5") floppy d.
6ar1335-0aa03-0aa0 sicomp ipci-sys003 bus backplane module 3 ipci slots with hd/fd signals via uni-i/o
6ar1335-0aa04-0aa0 sicomp ipci-sys004 bus backplane module with 4 ipci slots
6ar1335-0aa05-0aa0 sicomp ipci-sys005 bus backplane module with 5 ipci slots w. hd/fd signals via uni-i/o
6ar1335-0ca00-0aa0 sicomp ipci-zub055 rack unit for pmc modules
6ar1335-0cb00-0aa0 sicomp ipci-zub105 power supply adapter for ipci cpu modules 3 units per package
6ar1335-0cc04-0aa0 sicomp ipci-com590 ipci to pci adapter with 4 pci slots
6ar1341-0ca30-0aa0 sicomp smp16-mem371 plug-in drive unit with hard disk / floppy disk for smp16-cpu06x a. s.
6ar1342-0af00-0aa0 sicomp cpci-ea221 signal module digital input/output module 16 inputs 24v/6ma 16 outputs 24v/0,5a,
6ar1343-0aa00-0aa0 sicomp cpci-com294 lan interface w. 2 channels for 10/100mbit/s
6ar1343-0aa10-0aa0 sicomp ksp-com294 ( cpci ) lan interface w. 2 channels for 10/100mbit/s and 6 x hub 10/100mbit
6ar1343-0aa20-0aa0 sicomp cpci-com295 10/100mbit/s hub with 6 channels (2ep)
6ar1343-0ed00-0aa0 sicomp cpci-com202 interface to profibus dp (w. equidistance)up to 12 mbaud
6ar1343-0fk00-0aa0 cpci-com168 can interface for can layer2 and canopen with 2 channels
6ar1344-0aa00-0aa0 sicomp cpci-sft364 stepper motor interface
6ar1355-0aa05-0aa0 sicomp cpci-sys005 bus backplane with 5 slots for cpci units
6ar1355-0cb00-0aa0 sicomp ipci-zub106 power supply adapter for cpci cpu modules 3 units per package
6ar1355-0cc04-0aa0 sicomp cpci-com590 cpci-to-pci-adapter with 4 pci slots
6ar1355-0cd00-0aa0 sicomp cpci-zub532 accessories for conn. to cpci power supply modules cpci-sv532 and cpci-sv533
6ar1392-0ab00-0aa0 sicomp smp16-eam233 (voltage) analog input module 16 chann. f. voltage to ground or 8 f. differential measurem. voltage module
6ar1392-0ab01-0aa0 sicomp smp16-eam233 (power) analog input module 8 channels f. differential measurement, power module
6ar1392-0af01-0aa0 sicomp smp16-eam219 digital i/o module with 12 inputs and 4 outputs
6ar1392-0ag00-0aa0 sicomp smp16-eam245 analog input/output module with 8 inputs and 4 outputs
6ar1400-0ba00-3aa0 sicomp bsp-mem160 for smp16-mem160, rmos 2/3 dos module, 3.5" disk. with description german + english
6ar1400-0ba10-3aa0 sicomp bsp-mem161 board support package for smp16-mem161 module dos and rmos driver
6ar1400-0dd00-3aa0 sicomp bsp-com 100/200 dp board support package with sinec h1 protocol,documentation german/english
6ar1400-0de00-3aa0 sicomp bsp-com201 board-support-package for smp16-com201
6ar1400-0df00-3aa0 sicomp bsp-com224 board-support package for smp16-com224
6ar1400-0ea10-3aa0 sicomp bsp-sft375 driver software for communicat. rmos for windows 3.11 and module firmware
6ar1400-0fa00-3aa0 sicomp bsp-com595 configuration tool for bus coupler smp16-com595 with german and english description
6ar1400-0fa10-3aa0 sicomp smp16-ako autom. configuration software version 2.1
6ar1401-8ay1 sicomp windows f. workgroups incl. dos v6.xx added to system manual in german, coa on imc-cpu bundled
6ar1401-8ay10-2aa0 sicomp windows for workgroups (bundled on imc-cpu) english incl.dos added to system
6ar1401-8by10-2aa0 sicomp dsp win nt4.0 cd, installation manual english
6ar1401-8cy1 sicomp dsp win95 (german) cd,installation guide,coa on imc-cpu bundled
6ar1401-8cy10-2aa0 sicomp dsp win95 cd,installation manual, coa bundled on imc-cpu, english
6ar1401-8xy00-1aa0 sicomp ms-dos v6.22 (german) diskette, manual, coa on imc-cpu bundled
6ar1401-8xy00-2aa0 sicomp ms-dos v6.22 (english) diskette, manual, coa on imc-cpu bundled
6ar1402-0aa3 sicomp rmos2-roy rmos-base copy license
6ar1403-0aa3 sicomp rmos for windows v3.20 roy runtime licence for operating system rmos for windows v3.2
6ar1403-0ba3 sicomp rmos3 v3.30 roy laufzeitlizenz fuer betriebssystem rmos3 v3.30
6ar1403-0bc00-1aa0 bsp-microbox pc el v1.0 board support package fuer simatic microbox pc420 fuer den einsatz unter dem betriebs- system sicomp rmos3 v3.30. entwicklungspaket, einfache lizenz, eine laufzeitlizenz, cd-rom, inkl. beschreibung deutsch pdf-format. laufzeit
6ar1403-0bc3 bsp-microbox pc v1.0 rt laufzeitlizenz fuer board support package fuer simatic microbox pc420 unter betriebs- system sicomp rmos3 v3.30.
6ar1403-1an00-1aa0 sicomp rmos3-tcp d tcp/ip software for rmos3 v3.20, master license documentation in german
6ar1403-1an00-2aa0 sicomp rmos3-tcp e tcp/ip software for rmos3 v3.20, master license documentation in english
6ar1403-1an3 sicomp rmos3-tcp / ip-roy rmos3-tcp/ip-royalty runtime license
6ar1403-2ad00-2ba0 sicomp soft plc for rmos v3.0 with english document
6ar1403-2ad3 sicomp rmos3-plc-v3.0 runtime license
6ar1403-3ad00-2aa0 sicomp imc0x-plc software package with master license and documentat. in english
6ar1403-3ad3 sicomp imc0x plc runtime license
6ar1403-3ak00-1aa0 sicomp imc05-pos positioning software package w. master license a. documentation of changes in german
6ar1403-3ak00-2aa0 sicomp imc05-pos positioning software package w. master license a. documentation of changes in english
6ar1403-3ak3 sicomp imc05-pos runtime license
6ar1403-3al3 sicomp imc05-can runtime license
6ar1403-3am00-2aa0 sicomp imc05-cav master license with complete documentation in english and german and vac-dialogue editor for imc05
6ar1403-3am3 sicomp imc05-cav runtime license
6ar1404-5aa00-3aa0 sicomp rtvm master license with documentat. in german, real-time java virtual machine for sicomp systems
6ar1404-5aa3 sicomp rtvm runtime license
6ar1404-5ba00-3aa0 sicomp jfpc master license with documentat. in german, i/o access under java from sicomp systems
6ar1404-5ba3 sicomp jfpc runtime license
6ar1404-5ca00-3aa0 sicomp awt master license incl. documentation in german java graphics toolkit for sicomp rtvm on sicomp systems
6ar1404-5ca3 sicomp awt runtime license
6ar1404-5da00-3aa0 sicomp java package, contains: rtvm, jfpc and ehttp master license with: documentation in german
6ar1404-5ea00-3aa0 sicomp ehttp master license with documentat. in german, http server for connection of sicomp systems with the internet
6ar1404-5ea3 sicomp ehttp runtime license
6ar1405-0ba00-1aa0 sicomp rmos3-gnu v1.0 el entwicklungspaket, einfache lizenz, cd-rom, inkl. beschreibung deutsch pdf- format
6ar1405-0ea00-1aa2 sicomp rmos3 v3.30 el entwicklungspaket, einfache lizenz, eine laufzeit-lizenz, cd-rom, inkl. beschreibung deutsch pdf-format
6ar1405-0ea50-1aa2 sicomp rmos3 v3.30 update v3.20 auf v3.30, entwicklungspaket, einfache lizenz, eine laufzeitlizenz, cd-rom, inkl. beschreibung deutsch pdf-format
6ar1405-1ea00-1aa1 rmos3 v3.20 development package, single license, 1 runtime license 3.5" disks/1.44 mb dos german description
6ar1405-1ea00-2aa1 rmos3 v3.20 development package, single license, 1 runtime license 3.5" disks/1.44 mb dos english description
6ar1405-1ea50-1aa1 rmos3 v3.20 update v3.11 to v3.20 development package, 1 runtime license,3.5" disks/1.44 mb dos german description
6ar1405-1ea50-2aa1 rmos3 v3.20 update v3.11 to v3.20 development package, 1 runtime license,3.5" disks/1.44 mb dos english description
6ar1408-3cc00-1aa0 canopen-master software for rmos3
6ar1408-4cc00-1aa0 canopen-master software for windows nt 4.0
6ar1500-0ea00-0aa0 sicomp imc05 compact computer with 80386 ex 2mb flash, 1mb sram, analog and digital i/o with coprocessor
6ar1502-0aa04-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys500 single-tier 19" subrack for single interlock. fan 15-pin h15 connector
6ar1502-0aa05-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys501 single-tier 19" subrack for single interlock. fan 2 x 15-pin his connector and smp16-sys403
6ar1502-0aa07-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys503 single-tier 19" subrack for single interlock. fan 15-pin h15 connector smp16-sys403,18ep
6ar1502-0aa08-0aa0 sicomp smp16-sys504 single-tier 19" subrack for single interlock. 15-pin hi5 connector with switch module
6ar1502-0xx01-0aa0 bei bestellung unbed. sys.-nr. aus angebot angeben!!!
6ar1503-0aa00-0aa0 sicomp ams-m551 two-tier (6pu) 19" subrack for single interlock with fan 2 2-pin plug-in connectors for 1 power unit w/o bus backplane
6ar1508-0aa01-0aa0 sicomp smp16-zub451 add-on kit for conversion of 1 ams-version into 2 smp16-slot version
6ar1508-0aa02-0aa0 sicomp smp16-zub451 add-on kit for conversion of 3 ams version into 6 smp16-slot version
6ar1508-0aa03-0aa0 sicomp smp16-zub451 add-on kit for conversion of 5 ams vers. into 10 smp16-slot version
6ar1508-0aa04-0aa0 sicomp smp16-zub451 add-on kit for conversion of 10 ams vers. into 20 smp16-slot version

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