Оборудование Siemens (Сименс), страница 530

5td4706 delta panel pushbutton 10a,250v ip44, for surface mounting without lamp with separate check-back
5td4707 delta flat progr.pushbutton ip44,for surface mounting 10a,250v,without window,1nc
5td4708 delta flat dark / light grey ip44, finery double push button 10a 250v for venetian blind control 66x75mm
5td4780 delta-flat program light signal 250v, ip44 for surface mouting
5td4811 delta flat program pushbutton combination 10/16a 250v, ip44 for surface mounting, neutral- socket outlet w.earthg.contact with screwless terminals
5te1210 disconnector, 92mm 100a 2pole transparent
5te1220 disconnector, 92mm 125a 2pole transparent
5te1230 disconnector, 92mm 160a 2pole transparent
5te1240 disconnector, 92mm 200a 2pole transparent
5te1310 disconnector, 92mm 100a 3pole transparent
5te1315 disconnector, 92mm 100a 3pole red/yellow
5te1320 disconnector, 92mm 125a 3pole transparent
5te1325 disconnector, 92mm 125a 3pole red/yellow
5te1330 disconnector, 92mm 160a 3pole transparent
5te1335 disconnector, 92mm 160a 3pole red/yellow
5te1340 disconnector, 92mm 200a 3pole transparent
5te1345 disconnector, 92mm 200a 3pole red/yellow
5te1410 disconnector, 92mm 100a 4pole transparent
5te1415 disconnector, 92mm 100a 4pole red/yellow
5te1420 disconnector, 92mm 125a 4pole transparent
5te1425 disconnector, 92mm 125a 4pole red/yellow
5te1430 disconnector, 92mm 160a 4pole transparent
5te1435 disconnector, 92mm 160a 4pole red/yellow
5te1440 disconnector, 92mm 200a 4pole transparent
5te1445 disconnector, 92mm 200a 4pole red/yellow
5te1513 switch, 70mm, off 3 pole 63a 400v, sealable lockable
5te1610 disconnector, 92mm 100a 3pole+fixed n transparent
5te1620 disconnector, 92mm 125a 3pole+fixed n transparent
5te1630 disconnector, 92mm 160a 3pole+fixed n transparent
5te1640 disconnector, 92mm 200a 3pole+fixed n transparent
5te4700 pushbutton, n-type 16a 1no+1nc grey
5te4701 pushbutton, n-type 16a ac 230v 1no grey +indicat. lght
5te4702 pushbutton, n-type 16a ac 230v 1nc grey +indicat. lght
5te4703 pushbutton, n-type 16a ac230v 1no grey + indic. light for long lines
5te4704 pushbutton, n-type 16a 1no+1nc red
5te4705 pushbutton, n-type 16a 1no+1nc green
5te4706 pushbutton, n-type 16a 1no+1nc yellow
5te4707 pushbutton, n-type 16a 1no+1nc blue
5te4800 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1no 20a, 1button grey without rest function
5te4804 taster, 1s+1s 20a, 2tasten gruen blau lampen 24v
5te4805 taster, 1s/1oe 20a 1taste rot ohne rastfunktion
5te4806 taster, 1s/1oe 20a 1taste gruen ohne rastfunktion
5te4807 taster, 1s/1oe 20a 1taste gelb ohne rastfunktion
5te4808 taster, 1s/1oe 20a 1taste blau ohne rastfunktion
5te4810 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1no 20a, 1button grey with cap red and green
5te4811 pushbutton, d=70mm 2nc 20a, 1button grey
5te4812 pushbutton, d=70mm 3nc+n 20a, 1button grey
5te4813 pushbutton, d=70mm 4no 20a, 1button grey
5te4814 pushbutton, d=70mm 2w 20a, 1button grey
5te4820 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1no 20a, 1button red lamp 230v
5te4821 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc 20a, 1button red lamp 230v
5te4822 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc 20a, 1button red lamp 230v, long cable
5te4823 pushbutton, d=70mm 2nc 20a, 1button red lamp 230v
5te4824 pushbutton, d=70mm 2no 20a, 1button red lamp 230v
5te4830 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1no 20a, 2button red+green
5te4831 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1no 1nc/1no 20a 2button red+green
5te4840 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1nc 20a, 2button red+green lamp 230v
5te4841 pushbutton, d=70mm 1nc/1no 20a, 2button red+green lamp 230v
5te5700 light signal, n-type ac 230v, with lamp without cap
5te5701 n-type flush mounting light signal 230v w. lamp e10 without cap, without 2 diodes without cap, with 2 diodes
5te5702 light signal, n-type ac 230v, with lamp without cap for long lines
5te5800 light signall., d=70mm 1lamp 230v rot
5te5801 light signall., d=70mm 2lamps 230v red green
5te5802 phase signall., d=70mm 3lamps 230v 3 x green
5te5804 light signall., d=70mm 1lamp 230v red, long cable
5te6700 schuko socket ac 230v 16a
5te6710 cee7 n-type socket outlet with earthing pin
5te6711 cee7 n-type socket outlet w. earth.pin+protect.f.children ac 230v, 16a
5te6800 schukosteckdose 16a 3polig nach din vde 0620 fuer verteilereinbau
5te6801 schukosteckdose 16a 3polig mit deckel nach din vde 0620 fuer verteilereinbau
5te6802 steckdose 16a 3polig mit deckel, ohne zulassung nach din vde 0620 und cei 23-5 fuer verteilereinbau ausfuehrung italien
5te6803 steckdose 16a 3polig mit erdungsstift nach cee 7 fuer verteilereinbau
5te6804 steckdose 16a 3polig nach iec 60083, ul ausfuehrung type nema, fuer verteilereinbau
5te7101 switch, n-type, off w. pilot light, 1pole 16a 230v
5te7105 switch, n-type, off w. pilot light, 1pole 16a 230v for long lines
5te7111 switch, n-type, off 1pole 16a 230v, sealable
5te7112 switch, n-type, off 2pole 16a 400v, sealable
5te7113 switch, n-type, off 3pole 16a 400v, sealable
5te7141 switch, n-type, off 1pole 16a 230v
5te7142 switch, n-type, off 2pole 16a 400v
5te7161 switch, n-type, off 1pole 16a 230v
5te7162 switch, n-type, off 2pole 16a 400v
5te7165 switch >n< 2s+2oe 16a 400v
5te7211 switch, n-type, off 1pole 32a 230v, sealable
5te7212 switch, n-type, off 2pole 32a 400v, sealable
5te7213 switch, n-type, off 3pole 32a 400v, sealable
5te7214 switch, n-type, off 4pole 32a 400v, sealable
5te7313 switch, n-type, off 3pole 25a 400v, sealable
5te7314 switch, n-type, off 4pole 25a 400v, sealable
5te7411 switch, n-type, off 1pole 40a 230v, sealable
5te7412 switch, n-type, off 2pole 40a 400v, sealable
5te7413 switch, n-type, off 3pole 40a 400v, sealable
5te7414 switch, n-type, off 4pole 40a 400v, sealable
5te7511 switch, n-type, off 1pole 63a 230v, sealable
5te7512 switch, n-type, off 2pole 63a 400v, sealable
5te7513 switch, n-type, off 3pole 63a 400v, sealable
5te7513-2 switch, n-type, off 3pole 63a 400v, sealable lockabl
5te7514 switch, n-type, off 4pole 63a 400v, sealable
5te7514-2 switch, n-type, off 4pole 63a 400v, sealable lockabl
5te7611 switch, n-type, off 1pole 80a 230v, sealable

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